Ambassador for the mundane
A few years back I was awarded the ‘Anorak of the Year’ by the Dull Men’s Club. I accepted the award with grace but I was not all that enamored with the title. I craved ‘Dullest Man of the Year’ accolade. I felt that title was more fitting. It’s sexy being dull. Dull is the new black. Anorak to me screamed nerdy. Anorak just felt a derogatory label.
Being the president of the UK Roundabout Appreciation Society, (UKRAS) my official title is Lord of the Rings, which I’m immensely proud of and enjoy. However, the UKRAS title only covers my roundabout spotting society. I am now currently presiding over many dull hobbies and societies – From appreciating Village Notice Boards, Car Parks, Her Majesty’s Prisons, Bench spotting., Rubbish Dumps, Red telephone booths, Pillar Post Boxes…Each year the list just grows.
A decision had to be made. I was in need of a broad umbrella title to encapsulate my dull yet ever growing hobbies I called in Spud Design in Bromsgrove. It was decided I needed a re-brand. Dull Kev will be my new nickname.
My official title now to be announced is…..a drum roll would be nice (on reflection too exciting)…AMBASSADOR FOR THE MUNDANE.

Roundabouts of
Great Britain
As President of the UK Roundabouts Appreciation Society (the Lord of the Rings), Dull Kev, himself once said, ‘there’s nothing more exciting than a roundabout, you can put anything on it like signs and statues.’ Indeed, the lack of acknowledgement of the sheer versatility of the roundabout is a true shame upon our nation.
Now the 2023 Calendar has been released to extend Dull Kev’s Roundabout portfolio. Buy one now or if you are really into it become a UKRAS member.

Check out Kev’s Kiosk
Like any good car boot sale, from Calendars to Coasters you are bound to find something that takes your fancy in Kev’s Kiosk.

Kev’s cabinet
Check out Kev’s latest blogs with images, articles, radio interviews and videos about Kev and he’s various projects over the years.

What people say
“I would love to have a statue or fountain in the middle of the roundabout of 96th and Westfield Blvd. I think the roundabout that transitions one from Marion County into Hamilton County should be impressive. Although the process of creating this roundabout is complete it would be so nice to do something impressive. Right now this roundabout looks unfinished. What if we had live artists performing in the midddle of the roundabout during busy times of day like the morning and evening rushes? Small light shows at night? I think we can do a lot to improve our roundabouts.”

Get in touch
To get a message to Kev simply complete the form opposite or call him on 07815 630416.